Deploy, host, and customize your Flutter web app with powerful dynamic meta-tagging for optimal SEO and social sharing.
Sign up to get early access to Dashhost.
Using our secret sauce, Dashhost understands your flutter routes and magically serves dynamic data to bots, crawlers, and OG readers to provide context to your deep links and routes.
Connect your Github Connect your Github
Choose your repo, select a branch, define your flutter version, and ship your web app NOW.
All Flutter versions supported
Static files hosted on CDN
Configure environment variables
Custom domains
Secret Sauce Secret Sauce
Configure static routes or API driven routes to serve dynamic metadata for your application.
We'll handle the annoying stuff We'll handle the annoying stuff
Configure your app colors, icons, and splash page. Make on-the-fly changes with no deploy needed!
If your Flutter app compiles to web, we can host it. If your app uses named routes, we can enhance it.
© 2025 Dashhost. All rights reserved.